About Cork CIL

The Independent Living Movement has a well-established history, pioneered by and for disabled people. In Dublin it emerged as a movement in 1992 and the Cork the Cork Centre for Independent Living followed in 1996.

Driven by a group of people with physical disabilities their aim was to raise awareness about the Independent Living Movement, advocate for services to facilitate their independence and to establish a support network to empower peers.

The purpose of Cork CIL remains to work to with  disabled people to achieve independence, choice and control over their lives and full participation in society as equal citizens.

Our Mission

Our vision is that people with disabilities in Ireland have to the greatest extent possible, the opportunity to live, free from discrimination, a full life of their choosing, with their families and as part of wider society and their local community

Our mission is to work with and on behalf of people with disabilities to develop and influence public policy, public services, supports and opportunities which maximise people’s choice and control over their lives and services.

The experience and perspectives of people with disabilities is at the centre of what we do.  Together  we design  individual services  and  supports which  are  underpinned by  our values of Independence; Transparency; Accountability; Integrity and Honesty

At the centre of the Independent Living Philosophy are people, and disabled people like everyone else being able to have control, with the opportunities to make decisions about to how they live their life.

Cork Centre for Independent Living [Cork CIL] is a community-based specialist  disability service. We work mainly in the south Lee area of Cork city providing a  range of individualised personal  assistance  services.

The majority  of   Cork  CIL  services are  provided on behalf of the HSE  and   are  committed  to   ensure  that  all  ours services are  designed  in partnership with the  service users to  best  meet  their  needs  and  that  the philosophy of independent living underpins all that we do.

The Organisation

Cork CIL is a not for profit organisation funded under Section 39 Health Act 2004.

A small team based in the Monahan Rd lead and supports  our  skilled community based staff called personal assistants (PA’s).

Cork  CIL  Service Coordinators have significant experience in the disability sector. They are the key link with each Service User, co designing and planning user led services.  They are  also provide the  ongoing support and supervision for PA’s.

A  small Administration Team  supports the day to day planning and delivery of services. All staff are responsible to a CEO  who reports directly to a Voluntary Board of Trustees [Board of Management].

Our Trustees are entrusted with the responsibility to steer the organisation towards a sustainable future by adopting sound, ethical, and legal governance, and financial management policies, as well as by making sure that we have adequate resources to advance its mission. Our trustees bring to this role their experience; the  lived  experience of  the  Service Users  and  valuable  skills and  experience  from industry, finance, ICT, health, sport, social and disability services.

Together we work to implement our  Strategic Plan, ensuring  that we provide first class Service User led supports provided by a well-trained team.

You can read our Strategic Plan 2019-2024 here….

Cork CIL Strategy 2019-24

Our  next  strategic  plan  is  being  developed  and  we  want  your   help  to  design  your  service

 Get in Touch 

Go to the Contact Us page and email info@corkcil.ie or call 021 432 2651

General Manager: Pat Beirne pat.beirne@corkcil.ie

Co-ordinators: Sharon Lyne, Vicky Chan, Claire Murphy co-ordinators@corkcil.ie