Cancellation Memo

A service user in need can get a session 😊

Paid cancellations are a resource for Cork CIL. Service Users that may not have cover or require a session for appointments, shopping etc. can benefit from cancelled hours.

Please communicate ALL your cancellations.

Will I get paid for a cancelled session?

Yes: If you communicate your cancellation

No: If you do not update the office of your cancellation

Cancellation Notice Periods & Payment

For regular Core Hours there is a 2 week notice period where you will be paid for cancellations. After 2 weeks the cancellations are unpaid.

For Cover Hours, the notice period is 24 hours.

Remember: If you’re Service User cancels you – Ring the office as soon as you know. Leave a message out of hours.

The Cancellation Policy is available to view on the Staff Portal – Cancellation-Policy-.pdf (