Cork CIL Wellness

Social  Prescribing

What is Social Prescribing?

Social prescribing recognises that health is heavily determined by social factors such as poverty, isolation and loneliness. Social prescribing offers GPs and other health professionals a means of referring people to a range of non-clinical community supports which can have significant benefits for their overall health and wellbeing.
Social Prescribing has a number of key components:

  • A referral from any healthcare professional/other professional or self-referral into the service
  • an intervention between the service user and a social prescribing link worker. The intervention can take up to eight sessions
  • Supporting the service user to access local voluntary community and social enterprise organisations or services through discussion and joint decision
  • making measuring the impact of the social prescribing on the person, the wider community and the health service.

Click  here   for Social Prescribers  list   Cork

Opening Times: 8.30 am – 16.00 pm ( Mon – Fri )

Welcome to Cork CIL’s August Weekly Wellness Newsletter

Food For Your Brain


Welcome to Cork CIL August Wellness Newsletter Week 4! Each week you will receive health tips and information based on a dimension of wellness to expand your knowledge and help improve your health and well-being. Enjoy


Continuing the theme of optimizing brain function for the purpose of pursuing mindfulness, this week we’ll discuss the relationship between physical exercise and brain health. Exercise obviously confers bodily health benefits. Researchers have uncovered key connections between exercise and improved function of the brain specifically. Cognition, learning, memory formation, decision-making, problem solving, emotional balance – all of these may be improved with regular exercise.

In addition to your usual exercise routine, here are some outside-of-the-box exercise ideas that are sure to prime your brain for mindfulness:

  • Twisting, turning, jumping, and otherwise moving to the beat will burn calories without even feeling like work. Also, the scientists won’t mention this, but it’s good for the soul!
  • Be physically active while watching TV. This quintessential sedentary activity is an opportunity to burn calories. Walk on a treadmill if you can, or simply do some body-weight exercises. Work through a series of quick movements, one for each commercial break. Or, if you’re binge-watching, log ten minutes of sweat between each episode.
  • Add physical activity to your daily routine. Depending on your ability, replace as much driving as you can with walking or biking. Take the stairs when possible.
  • Walk the dog. If you have a canine companion, there’s no better way to ensure daily (probably twice-daily) walks than taking that pup for a walk. Don’t just walk the bare minimum for your dog to do its business; more steps are good for you and your friend.


Take a Colour Walk – August Mindfulness – Week 4 Flyer – Colour Walk


To see previous Cork CIL’s Wellness Newsletters please click the following links  –

Cork CIL Wellness Newsletter- Week 1 – Mindfulness 101

Cork CIL Wellness Newsletter – Week 2 – Minfulness Meditation

Cork CIL Wellness Newsletter – Week 3 – Food for your Brain


Further Reading:

Connecting art, mindfulness and wellbeing –