Media Cuttings Wednesday 26 June 2024

Cartoon Image of a paperboy handing out newspapers

Below are some news stories in the media that may be of interest or relevance to you.

Click on the individual links to open each article.


Calls for expansion of rare disease screening in newborns (

Actors with intellectual disabilities stage ‘ambitious’ production inspired by real-life fantasies (

New Guides Launched To Support Adults With Sensory Disabilities | Northern Ireland News, 25/06/2024 ( NI

Why we should embrace questions about disability (

ChatGPT Is Biased Against Resumes Mentioning Disability, Research Shows (

Woman with learning disability gets ‘dream job’ with air ambulance (

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We try to bring you news items that may be of interest to our readers. And while Cork CIL makes every reasonable effort to provide information that is as comprehensive, accurate and clear as possible, the information provided on this site is of a general nature. The news and stories shared on this page are often from third party organisations. The ideas and opinions expressed in these articles are those of the original authors and are not necessarily shared or promoted by Cork CIL. Responses to articles and queries about third party information should be addressed to the original author.