Please see our newly published Stakeholder Engagement and Communications Plan for HSE Health and Wellbeing. The plan provides a comprehensive overview of the collaborative approach undertaken and communication activities delivered across HSE Health & Wellbeing (HSE H&W). Your engagement with and support for our H&W initiatives is vital to the ongoing HSE Healthy Ireland mission of promoting and supporting healthy living and healthy behaviours for all age groups of our populations and our staff, as part of our core business in the delivery of health and social care services. I would like to draw your attention to the specific action areas for our National Priority Policy Programmes at the end of the plan and encourage you to look through them. The plan also gives a synopsis of the areas of work within HSE H&W and calls out key communication actions for the National Priority Policy Programmes. An extensive internal and external stakeholder engagement process was undertaken as part of the development of the plan. Thank you to all contributors who supported and advised on the plan’s development. Please share the plan with all relevant colleagues and stakeholders in your area of work. If you have any queries please get in touch with Regards, Fergal Fox Ceannasaí Rannpháirtíocht agus Cumarsáid le Geallsealbhóirí | Head of Stakeholder Engagement and Communications
Rannpháirtíocht le Geallsealbhóirí agus Cumarsáid | Sláinte agus Folláine | FnaSS Stakeholder Engagement and Communications | Health and Wellbeing | HSE
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