Disability in the News (6th Feb 2025)


 The Journal: https://www.thejournal.ie/begrudgers-and-whiners-mixed-response-in-letters-to-simon-harris-after-kanturk-incident-6614173-Feb2025/

Simon Harris speaks with carer in Kanturk in last general election

RTE: https://www.rte.ie/brainstorm/2025/0205/1494778-minister-for-children-norma-foley-tusla-children-in-care-services/

Image of Norma Foley standing at a podium for annew interview



 RedFM: https://www.redfm.ie/cork/roy-keane-meets-puppies-in-training-at-the-irish-guide-dogs-for-the-blind-2133111


Photo of Roy Keane kneeling next to a labrador guide dog

Irish Independent (Wicklow): https://www.independent.ie/regionals/wicklow/arklow-news/two-wicklow-schools-receive-awards-in-national-disability-authority-art-competition/a1110321138.html

Photo of Linda Cliffe (centre) and Dr Aiddeen Hartney (left) presenting winner 3rd class student Linda Cliff on Kiltegan NS with award.



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