Integrated Care Programme for the Prevention and Management of Chronic Disease (ICPCD) Webinar

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Images of the 4 speakers in a gridIn case you missed our recent How MECC Supports the Integrated Care Programme for the Prevention and Management of Chronic Disease (ICPCD) webinar, or wish to watch it back, the full recording is now available on the HSE Health & Wellbeing YouTube Channel. The purpose of this webinar was to inform Health and Wellbeing stakeholders about the Chronic Disease Programme, its connection to the Integrated Care Programme, and the alignment of the Making Every Contact Count (MECC) initiative within these frameworks. Please see links below to our various speakers:

02:33 Welcome – Sandra Coughlan, National Lead, Making Every Contact Count

06:56 Dr. Maria O’Brien, Service Improvement Lead, Integrated Care Programme for Chronic Disease

32:41 Rachel Mescall, MECC Mobiliser, Mid West

49:20 Tina O’Connor, Senior Physiotherapist – Cardiology, Chronic Disease Hub, Kerry

58:44 Panel discussion

If you have any queries, please email the national Making Every Contact Count team:

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