Wishing you all a very Happy Christmas and a very big Thank You


Christmas & New Year 2023

Dear Colleague

As you all know a pay award of 8 % has been accepted that applies to all Section 39 agencies (health & disability services) including Cork CIL as well as to other state funded community organisations Section 56 agencies (services to children) and Section 10 agencies (homeless and addiction services). This pay award does not give us pay parity, but it is a positive step as we go into 2024.

The pay award is as follows:

  • 3% backdated to 1st April 2023
  • 2% backdated to 1st November 2023
  • An increase of 3% from 1st March 2024

Unfortunately, Cork CIL cannot apply the pay award until we receive the funding for it. We all hoped that this would be made available before the end of the year, but we have been informed that for Section 39 Agencies it will be into 2024 before it is received by the organisations.

As soon as we have the funding available, we will be paying out to staff through payroll. We will keep you informed.

In recognition of all your hard work and commitment throughout 2023 Cork CIL will be giving each employee small gift to celebrate the New Year. It will be included in your first pay of 2024. It is small and does not reflect the value that we place on all our staff who are the best there are.

Wishing you all a safe and Happy Christmas and a healthy New Year

All the very best

Pat Beirne

20th December 2023


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